Defending families, personal and company´s interests . At Pacho Abogados we will attend your legal enquiry at the moment, listening carefully to your matter and always trying to make the best defence of your interest.

You will receive punctual information when you need it. We offer you all our experience at very competitive fees. As legal advisors, we offer advice, dealing and solutions on cuestions such us:

  • Rustic and urban rentals, legal advice, intermediation, management and preparation of rent contracts as individual or company, related taxes, obtainig Energy Efficiency Certificate. Eviction procedure y debt claim to the defaulting tenant. Deposit and claim of rent guarantee.
  • Advice and management of the whole questions and taxes related to buying or purchasing properties. Plusvalías.
  • Claim of undue expenses on mortgages.
  • Marital Property System, separation, divorce.
  • Legal advice and management on any question related to Horizontal Property.
  • Wills, Inheritances, legacies, Inheritance taxes, donations. Judicial incapacitation.
  • Claim of debtos to individuals or Companies. Judicial procedure to recover your debt.
  • Traffic accidents. We claim the maximum amount you have the right to, with personal advice to each case. Proportional fee to the received indemnization.